History of the North American Hyperthermia Society
(f.k.a. North American Hyperthermia Society)
Although the beneficial effects of hyperthermia were first noted in tumor-bearing patients with high fevers in the mid-1800's, serious, experimental, well-controlled studies were not begun until the 1960's. The first mammalian cell hyperthermia experiment in the United States to gain wide attention was published by A. Westra and W.C. Dewey in 1971. This paper stimulated many radiation biologists to investigate the effects of hyperthermia and hyperthermia-induced radiosensitization and chemosensitization in cells and tissues.
Results at the cellular, experimental tumor, and clinical levels indicated a promising role for hyperthermia in oncology, and stimulated J. Eugene Robinson to organize an "International Symposium on Cancer Therapy by Hyperthermia and Radiation" in Washington, D.C. in 1975. This meeting attracted over 100 participants. Interest in hyperthermic oncology continued to grow and another international symposium was held in Essen, Germany in 1977, and a third in Fort Collins, Colorado in 1980. Since then, an International Symposium on Hyperthermic Oncology has been held every four years. In the United States and Canada, results of hyperthermia research were, for the most part, reported at the annual scientific meetings of the Radiation Research Society.
The North American Hyperthermia Society was founded in 1981 by those who shared the opinion that hyperthermia continued to show promise as a therapeutic modality, and that the growing numbers of investigators and the amount of data produced required a separate forum for discussion of results and planning future directions of research and application. The idea for a new society was conceived during the meeting of the American Society of Therapeutic Radiology in Dallas, Texas in 1980 and led to an organizational meeting at the winter meeting of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Society in San Diego on Coronado Island, January of 1981. D.B. Leeper was elected chairman of the Organizing Committee and served in that capacity for four years. The first of what became annual meetings was held on May 31, 1981, in Minneapolis in association with the annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society. The close association between the North American Hyperthermia Society and the Radiation Research Society continues to this day. In 1986 a constitution and bylaws were adopted, and the North American Hyperthermia Society was incorporated under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia as a tax-exempt scientific organization for hyperthermia research. The first elected president of the newly constituted society was M.W. Dewhirst.
In 1985 the North American Hyperthermia Society, together with the European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology and the Japanese Society of Hyperthermic Oncology cooperatively founded the "International Journal of Hyperthermia" and adopted it as their official journal.
In 2006, the society changed it's name to 'Society for Thermal Medicine' to represent other thermal therapies in addition to hyperthermia.
ICHO Meetings:
ICHO 1980 Ft. Collins, CO USA
ICHO 1984 Aarhus, Denmark
ICHO 1988 Kyoto Japan
ICHO 1992 Tucson, AZ USA
ICHO 1996 Rome, Italy
ICHO 2000 Kyong-Ju, Korea
ICHO 2004 St. Louis, MO USA
ICHO 2008 Munich, Germany
ICHO 2012 Kyoto, Japan
ICHO 2016 New Orleans, LA USA
ICHO 2021 Rotterdam, the Netherlands (online)
History of STM Officers and Councilors
President: Mark Dewhirst (first elected during incorporation)
President: J.R. Oleson
President-Elect: W.C. Dewey
Past President: J.W. Strohbehn
Secretary-Treasurer: K.J. Henle
Secretary-Treasurer-Elect: K.H. Luk
Councilors-Biology: C.W. Song, L.E. Gerweck
Councilors-Medicine: F.A. Gibbs, D.S. Kapp
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: C.A. Cain, B. R. Paliwal
President: W.C. Dewey
President-Elect: T.C. Cetas
Past President: J.R. Oleson
Secretary-Treasurer: K.H. Luk
Secretary-Treasurer-Elect: F.W. Hetzel;
Councilors-Biology: L.E. Gerweck, E.W. Gerner
Councilors-Medicine: F.A. Gibbs, M.D. Sapozink
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: C.A. Cain, T.V. Samulski
President: T.C. Cetas
President-Elect: F.A. Gibbs
Past-President: W.C. Dewey
Secretary-Treasurer: F.W. Hetzel
Councilors-Biology: E.W. Gerner, R.L. Warters
Councilors-Medicine: M.D. Sapozink, B.N.Emami
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: T.V. Samulski, I.A. Brezovich
President: F.A. Gibbs
President-Elect: G.C. Li
Past President: T.C. Cetas
Secretary-Treasurer: F.W. Hetzel
Councilors-Biology: S.P. Tomasovic, R.L. Warters
Councilors-Medicine: J.M. Bull, B. Emami
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: P.R. Stauffer, I.A. Brezovich
President: G.C. Li
President-Elect: P.M. Corry
Past-President: F.A. Gibbs
Secretary-Treasurer: F.W. Hetzel
Secretary-Treasurer-Elect: S.A. Sapareto
Councilors-Biology: J.L. Roti Roti, C.A. Wallen
Councilors-Medicine: T.S. Herman, J.H. Kim
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: F. Waterman, P. Fessenden
President: P.M. Corry
President-Elect: T.L. Phillips
Past- President: G. C. Li
Secretary-Treasurer: F.W. Hetzel
Secretary-Treasurer Elect: S.A. Sapareto
Councilors-Biology: B.A. Teicher, J.L. Roti Roti
Councilors-Medicine: T.S. Herman, J.R. Oleson
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: R.B. Roemer, P. Fessenden
President: T.L. Phillips
President Elect: C.W. Song
Past President: P.M. Corry
Secretary-Treasurer: S.A. Sapareto
Councilors-Biology: B.A. Teicher, M. Borrelli
Councilors-Medicine: J.R. Oleson, P. Sneed
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: R.B. Roemer, K. Hynynen
President: C.W. Song
President Elect: R. B. Roemer
Past President: T.L. Phillips
Secretary-Treasurer: S.A. Sapareto
Secretary-Treasurer Elect: M. Sapozink
Councilors-Biology: M. Borrelli, M. Dewhirst
Councilors-Medicine: P. Sneed, D. Kapp
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: K. Hynynen, F. Waterman
President: R. B. Roemer
President Elect: J.M. Bull
Past President: C.W. Song
Secretary-Treasurer: M.D. Sapozink
Councilors-Biology: M. Dewhirst, W. Armour
Councilors-Medicine: D. Kapp, B. Bornstein
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: F. Waterman, E. Moros
President: J.M. Bull
President Elect: D.B. Leeper
Past President: R.B. Roemer
Secretary-Treasurer: M.D. Sapozink
Councilors-Biology: W. Armour, J.R. Lepock
Councilors-Medicine: B.A. Bornstein, L.R. Prosnitz
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: E. Moros, C.J. Diederich
1997 President: D.B. Leeper
President Elect: T.V. Samulski
Past President: J.M. Bull
Secretary-Treasurer: M.D. Sapozink
Secretary-Treasurer Elect: F. M. Waterman
Councilors-Biology: J.R. Lepock, K.J. Henle
Councilors-Medicine: L.R. Prosnitz, R.A. Steeves
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: C.J. Diederich, G.K. Svensson
President: Thaddeus V. Samulski
President Elect: Leonard R. Prosnitz
Past President: Dennis Leeper
Secretary-Treasurer: Frank M. Waterman
Editor: Mark W. Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology: Kurt J. Henle, Joseph L. Roti Roti
Councilors-Medicine: Donald E. Thrall, Richard A. Steeves
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Keith D. Paulsen, Goran K. Svensson
President: Leonard R. Prosnitz
President Elect: Joseph Roti Roti
Vice President Elect: Chris Diederich
Past President: Thaddeus V. Samulski
Secretary-Treasurer: Paul Stauffer
Editor: Mark W. Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology: Ronald Coss, Elizabeth Repasky
Councilors-Medicine: Donald Thrall, Robert Myerson
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Keith Paulsen, Mike Sherar
President: Joseph Roti Roit
President Elect: Chris Diederich
Vice President Elect: Penny K. Sneed
Past President: Leonard R. Prosnitz
Secretary-Treasurer: Paul Stauffer
Editor: Mark W. Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology: Elizabeth Repasky, G. Peter Raaphorst
Councilors-Medicine: Robert Myerson, Ellen L. Jones
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Mike Sherar, William L. Straube
President: Chris Diederich
President Elect: Penny K. Sneed
Vice President Elect: Michael J. Borrelli
Past President: Joseph Roti Roti
Secretary-Treasurer: Paul Stauffer
Secretary-Treasurer Elect: Eduardo G. Moros
Editor: Mark W. Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology: G. Peter Raaphorst, Douglas R. Spitz
Councilors-Medicine: Ellen L. Jones, Mark Hurwitz
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: William L. Straube, Shiva K. Das
President: Penny K. Sneed
President Elect: Michael J. Borrelli
Vice President Elect: Eduardo G. Moros
Past President: Chris Diederich
Secretary-Treasurer: Paul Stauffer
Editor: Mark W. Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology: Douglas R. Spitz, Michael L. Freeman
Councilors-Medicine: Mark Hurwitz, Joan M.C. Bull
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Shiva K. Das, Thaddeus V. Samulski
President: Michael J. Borrelli
President Elect: Eduardo G. Moros
Vice President Elect: Ellen L. Jones
Past President: Penny K. Sneed
Secretary-Treasurer: Paul Stauffer
Editor: Mark W. Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology: Michael L. Freeman, Peter M. Corry
Councilors-Medicine: Joan M.C. Bull, I-Chow Joe Hsu
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Thaddeus V. Samulski, William H. Nau
President: Eduardo G. Moros
President Elect: Ellen L. Jones
Vice-President Elect: Donald E. Thrall
Past President: Michael J. Borrelli
Secretary-Treasurer: Elizabeth Repasky
Editor: Mark W. Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology: Peter M. Corry, Stuart K. Calerwood
Councilors-Medicine: I-Chow Joe Hsu, Nahum S. Goldberg
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: William H. Nau, Shiva K. Das
President: Ellen L. Jones
President Elect: Donald E, Thrall
Vice President Elect: Paul R. Stauffer
Past President: Eduardo G. Moros
Secretary-Treasurer: Elizabeth Repasky
Editor: Mark W. Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology: Stuart K. Calderwood, Diana Averill-Bates
Councilors-Medicine: Nahum S. Goldberg, Zeljko Vujaskovic
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Shiva K. Das, Robert J. McGough
President: Donald E, Thrall
President Elect: Paul R. Stauffer
Vice President Elect: Mark Hurwitz
Past President: Ellen L. Jones
Secretary-Treasurer: William Straube
Editor: Mark W. Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology: Diana Averill-Bates, Sharon Evans
Councilors-Medicine: Zeljko Vujaskovic, Joan Bull
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Robert J. McGough, Chris Diederich
President: Paul R. Stauffer
President Elect: Mark Hurwitz
Vice President Elect: Elizabeth A. Repasky
Past President: Donald E. Thrall
Secretary-Treasurer: William Straube
Secretary-Treasurer Elect: Chris Diederich
Editor: Mark W. Dewhirst & Elizabeth A. Repasky
Councilors-Biology: Sharon Evans, Robert Griffin
Councilors-Medicine: Joan Bull, Robert Myerson
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Chris Diederich, Oana Craciunescu
President: Mark Hurwitz
President Elect: Elizabeth A. Repasky
Vice President Elect: William Nau
Past President: Paul R. Stauffer
Secretary-Treasurer: Chris Diederich
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Elizabeth A. Repasky
Councilors-Biology: Robert Griffin, Michael Freeman
Councilors-Medicine: Robert Myerson, Zeljko Vujaskovic
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Oana Craciunescu, Dieter Haemmerich
President: Elizabeth A. Repasky
President Elect: William Nau
Vice President Elect: Zeljko Vujaskovic
Past President: Mark Hurwitz
Secretary-Treasurer: Chris Diederich
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Elizabeth A. Repasky
Councilors-Biology: Alexander Asea, Michael Freeman
Councilors-Medicine: I Chow Joe Hsu, vacant
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Gal Shafirstein, Dieter Haemmerich
President: William Nau
President Elect: Zeljko Vujaskovic
Vice President Elect: Sharon Evans
Past President: Elizabeth A. Repasky
Secretary-Treasurer: Chris Diederich
Secretary-Treasurer Elect: Oana Craciunescu
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Elizabeth A. Repasky
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Alexander Asea, Matt Dreher
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: I Chow Joe Hsu, Sunil Krishnan
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Gal Shafirstein, Paolo Maccarini
President: Zeljko Vujaskovic
President Elect: Sharon Evans
Vice President Elect: Dieter Haemmerich
Past President: William Nau
Secretary-Treasurer: Oana Craciunescu
Secretary-Treasurer Elect: vacant
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Elizabeth A. Repasky
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Matt Dreher, Michael Graner
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Sunil Krishnan, Erik Cressman
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Paolo Maccarini, John Pearce
President: Sharon Evans
President Elect: Dieter Haemmerich
Vice President Elect: Robert Giffin
Past President: Zeljko Vujaskovic
Secretary-Treasurer: Oana Craciunescu
Secretary-Treasurer Elect: Erik Cressman
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Elizabeth A. Repasky
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Michael Graner, Randy Burd
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Muneeb Ahmed, Jack Hoopes
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: John Pearce, Jason Stafford
President: Dieter Haemmerich
President Elect: Robert Griffin
Vice President Elect: Erik N.K. Cressman
Past President: Sharon Evans
Secretary-Treasurer: Rob Ivkov
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Randy Burd, Stuart Calderwood
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Jack Hoopes, Aradhana Venkatesan
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Jason Stafford, Christopher Brace
President: Robert Griffin
President Elect: Erik N.K. Cressman
Vice President Elect: Jason Stafford
Past President: Dieter Haemmerich
Secretary-Treasurer: Rob Ivkov
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Stuart Calderwood, Nicole Levi-Polyachenko
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Barry Wilcox, Jennifer Yu
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Christopher Brace, Robert McGough
President: Erik N.K. Cressman
President Elect: Jason Stafford
Vice President Elect: Rob Ivkov
Past President: Robert Griffin
Secretary-Treasurer: Rob Ivkov & Dieter Haemmerich
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Nancy Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Nicole Levi-Polyachenko, Timo ten Hagen
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Jennifer Yu, Dieter Manstein
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Robert McGough, Pavel Yarmolenko
President: Jason Stafford
President Elect: Rob Ivkov
Vice President Elect: Michael Graner
Past President: Erik N.K. Cressman
Secretary-Treasurer: Dieter Haemmerich
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Nancy Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Timo ten Hagen, Bonnie Hylander
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Dieter Manstein, Rüdiger Wessalowski
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Pavel Yarmolenko, Rajiv Chopra
President: Robert Ivkov
President Elect: Michael Graner
Vice President Elect: Jennifer Yu
Past President: Jason Stafford
Secretary-Treasurer: Dieter Haemmerich
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Nancy Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Bonnie Hylander, Arlene Oei
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Rüdiger Wessalowski, Rolf Issels
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Rajiv Chopra, John Bischof
President: Michael Graner
President Elect: Jennifer Yu
Vice President Elect: Nicole Levi-Polyachenko
Past President: Robert Ivkov
Secretary-Treasurer: Rajiv Chopra
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Nancy Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Arlene Oei, Elizabeth Sweeney
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Rolf Issels, Joan Bull
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: John Bischof, Dario Rodrigues
President: Jennifer Yu
President Elect: Nicole Levi-Polyachenko
Vice President Elect: Rohan Fernandes
Past President: Michael Graner
Secretary-Treasurer: Rajiv Chopra
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Nancy Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Arlene Oei, Elizabeth Sweeney, Hattie Ring
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Rolf Issels, Joan Bull, Eleni Liapi
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: John Bischof, Dario Rodrigues, David Fuentes
President: Jennifer Yu
President Elect: Nicole Levi-Polyachenko
Vice President Elect: Rohan Fernandes
Past President: Michael Graner
Secretary-Treasurer: Rajiv Chopra
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Nancy Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Arlene Oei, Elizabeth Sweeney, Hattie Ring
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Rolf Issels, Joan Bull
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: John Bischof, Dario Rodrigues, David Fuentes
President: Nicole Levi
President Elect: Rohan Fernandes
Vice President Elect: Alireza Mohammadi
Past President: Jennifer Yu
Secretary-Treasurer: Rajiv Chopra
Secretary-Treasurer Elect: Punit Prakash
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Nancy Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Elizabeth Sweeney, Hattie Ring, Samir Jenkins
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Joan Bull, Hans Crezee, Debbie Ledezma
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Dario Rodrigues, David Fuentes, Colleen Crouch
President: Rohan Fernandes
President Elect: Alireza Mohammadi
Vice President Elect: David Fuentes
Past President: Nicole Levi
Secretary-Treasurer: Punit Prakash
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Nancy Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Elizabeth Sweeney, Hattie Ring, Samir Jenkins
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Joan Bull, Hans Crezee, Debbie Ledezma
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Dario Rodrigues, David Fuentes, Colleen Crouch
President: Alireza Mohammadi
President Elect: David Fuentes
Past President: Rohan Fernandes
Secretary-Treasurer: Punit Prakash
Editors: Mark W. Dewhirst & Nancy Dewhirst
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Hattie Ring, Samir Jenkins, Sharon Evans
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Hans Crezee, Debbie Ledezma, Jason Molitoris
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Colleen Crouch, Allison Payne
President: David Fuentes
President Elect: Arlene L. Oei
Past President: Alireza Mohammadi
Secretary-Treasurer: Robert Ivkov
Editors: Hans Crezee
Councilors-Biology/Chemistry: Samir Jenkins, Sharon Evans, Michael Horsman
Councilors-Clinical/Medical: Debbie Ledezma, Jason Molitoris, Ruediger Wessalowski
Councilors-Physics/Engineering: Colleen Crouch, Allison Payne, Dario Rodrigues
Who leads STM?
The Society for Thermal Medicine is governed by a board of officers and councilors, all of whom are elected annually by the general membership. The governing positions are volunteer roles, with officers serving multi-year terms and councilors serving two-year terms. The day-to-day operations of the society are managed by KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd. through a contract that provides association management services.
How is STM funded?
The primary sources of funding for the Society for Thermal Medicine include membership dues, donations, and revenue from the annual meeting, which consists of registration fees and sponsorships.
Why do I need to provide an area of discipline in my Membership Profile?
STM Bylaws require representation from all three disciplines on committees, and certain awards and Governing Council positions rotate annually between them. To help with this, members are asked to select one of the following disciplines: Biology/Chemistry, Clinical/Medical, or Engineering/Physics. This information is also included in the Membership Directory, making it easier to connect with colleagues who share similar interests.
Who can see my personal information?
STM values your privacy and will never sell or rent your personal data. Your information is available in the Members-Only Membership Directory, which is accessible exclusively to STM members in good standing. STM also collaborates with partner organizations to include relevant updates in mailings and emails, but only announcement-related data is shared. Email addresses and phone numbers are not exchanged.
What are the accepted payment options?
STM accepts Visa, Mastercard, and Discover credit cards. For security reasons, we ask that you avoid emailing credit card details. Payments made via credit card are securely processed on our website, and you may also fax or mail payments to the STM Business Office. We also accept checks from U.S. banks in U.S. currency, as well as wire transfers. Please note that any bank or wire transfer fees are the responsibility of the sender. For wire transfer details, contact the STM Business Office.
Does STM accept sponsorships and advertising?
Yes! STM welcomes sponsors and corporate partners. We offer advertising opportunities on our website and accept sponsorships for the annual meeting. For more information about website advertising, meeting sponsorships, and exhibitor opportunities, please email stm.ks@kwglobal.com.
STM Awards
J. Eugene Robinson Award
The J. Eugene Robinson Award is presented each year to an investigator who has made outstanding contributions to hyperthermic oncology. This lecture is to acknowledge the work of J. Eugene Robinson who was a pioneer in hyperthermic research for 20 years. He first used hyperthermia as an anti-cancer agent in the late 1960's and continued his investigations in various areas related to hyperthermia including thermal dose and time-temperature relationships. This award is given to investigators in each of the three main disciplines in Thermal Medicine (physics, biology and clinical/medicine) in a rotating fashion each year.
Submit a nomination for this award to the Awards Committee
Nomination deadline for this award: TBD
George M. Hahn Award
The George M. Hahn Award is presented every other year to an investigator whose research has contributed in a significant way to new clinical applications in thermal therapy. This lecture is named in honor of Dr. George Hahn who received the first Robinson Award in 1989. Dr. Hahn led a highly productive clinical program grant at Stanford for many years and his fundamental work in the heat shock response and in how hyperthermia modifies chemotherapy sensitivity still stand today as foundational work. His highly productive career exemplifies the translational attributes of this award.
Submit a nomination for this award to the Awards Committee.
Nomination deadline for this award: TBD
Past Recipients:
2010 Milton Yatvin, PhD
2012 Donald E. Thrall, DVM, PhD
2013 Gail ter Haar, PhD
2015 Paul Stauffer, PhD
2017 Mark W. Dewhirst, DVM, PhD, FASTRO, FAAAS
2019 Chris J. Diederich, PhD
2021 Rolf D. Issels, Prof. Dr. med. Dipl. Biochem.
2023 Hans Crezee, PhD
William C. Dewey Award
The William C. Dewey award is presented every other year to an investigator who has contributed in a significant way to the mentorship and training of new investigators in the field of thermal medicine. This lecture is named in honor of Dr. Bill Dewey who trained many leaders in our field in all three disciplines (physics, biology and clinical/medical). His emphasis on making hyperthermia treatment a quantifiable therapy with a defined method for performing thermal dosimetry has stood the test of time and has influenced how hyperthermia and thermal ablation are practiced today.
Submit a nomination for this award to the Awards Committee
Nomination deadline for this award: TBD
Past Recipients:
2012 Robert B. Roemer, PhD
2014 Mark Dewhirst, PhD
2018 Elizabeth Repasky, PhD
2020 Paul Stauffer, MSEE, CCE
2022 Sharon S. Evans, PhD
2024 Chris Diederich, PhD
Tsudomu Sugahara Award
Established in 2008, the Tsudomu Sugahara Award is presented at the ICHO meeting (every 4 years) to an investigator who has shown Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Thermal Medicine. STM, ESHO and ASHO rotate in making the choice of the recipient based on the hosting society for the applicable ICHO meeting.
2008 ICHO, Munich, Germany - Chang Song (STM)
2012 ICHO, Kyoto, Japan - Gerard van Rhoon (ESHO)
2016 ICHO, New Orleans, USA - Yoko Harima (ASHO)
2021 ICHO, Rotterdam, the Netherlands - Mark Dewhirst (STM)
Scholar-in-Training Awards
The STM provides travel awards of up to $500 to encourage the participation of new Scholars at the STM Annual Meeting. The number of awards vary from year to year.
Award recipients are based upon a competitive evaluation of their submitted abstracts and New Investigator Award applications.
STM Scholar-in-Training Awards Application Criteria
- A person may apply for a Scholar-in-Training Award, regardless of current degree, as long as he/she is working towards a higher degree (e.g., Ph.D., M.D., and D.V.M.), or has less than three years since receiving a postgraduate degree.
- The application must be completed and signed by both the faculty sponsor and the institution’s department chair.
- The applicant must submit an abstract via online submission and a Scholar-in-Training membership application to the STM Business Office by the deadline for the current year's meeting. Applications received after this date will not be considered. The application form is available HERE.
- To be considered, each applicant must be a STM Scholar-in-Training member or have a membership application pending.
- Winners from previous years are eligible to apply for this award after sitting out for one year.
- American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
- American College of Cryosurgery (ACC)
- Asian Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ASHO)
- American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
- American College of Radiation Oncology (ACRO)
- American Cancer Society (ACS)
- American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (ASME)
- American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO)
- Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS)
- BioMedical Engineering Society (IEEE-BMES)
- European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology (ESHO)
- Focused Ultrasound Surgery Foundation (FUSF)
- Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBS)
- International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE)
- International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU)
- Radiation Research Society (RRS)
- Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
- Ablatherm
- Acculis
- Angiodynamics
- Bruker
- Celsion Corporation
- Covidien
- Endocare
- Galil Medical
- Image Guided Therapy
- Insightec
- iThera MedicalÂ
- NeuWave
- Oncotherm
- Perseon Medical
- Philips Healthcare HIFU
- Profound Medical
- Pyrexar
- Sennewald
- Verasonics
- Visualase
- Waters Corporation
- Zurich Med Tech
Academic Thermal Medicine Research Labs:
- Duke Hyperthermia
- Harvard Focused Ultrasound
- Illinois Bioacoustics
- INSERM Therapeutic Ultrasound
- IT'IS Foundation
- Minnesota Bioheat and Mass Transfer Lab
- MUSC Thermal Ablation Lab
- NIH Interventional Radiology
- Stanford RSL
- Sunnybrook Focused Ultrasound
- UTHSC Thermal Therapy
- Univ. Wisconsin Ablation
Informational and Educational Sources
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- National Institutes for Health (NIH)
- Mesothelioma Guide
- Mesothelioma Group
- Mesothelioma Prognosis Network
- Mesothelioma Help Now
In the News
ABC News Report on Hyperthermia:
Part 1: History of Hyperthermia
Part 2: How Hyperthermia Works
Part 3: Why Hyperthermia is More Prevalent Outside the US