Awards Committee
Committee Size: 6
Committee Rotation: 3 years
Committee Reporting: Reports to the President
Committee Membership: The Awards Committee will be composed of the three most recent available Past-Presidents and the most recent available recipients of the J. Eugene Robinson Award, the William C. Dewey Award, and George M. Hahn Award. The Awards Committee will be chaired by the Past-President with the longest tenure. The duties of the Award Committee shall be to develop a list of candidates and then to select an annual recipient of the J. Eugene Robinson Award, and in alternate years the William C. Dewey and George M. Hahn Awards as authorized by Council. The Committee shall also select recipients of other awards, as requested by Governing Council
Committee Responsibilities: Duties of the Award Selection Committee shall be to develop a list of candidates and then to select a recipient of the J. Eugene Robinson Award. Any individual engaged in research in hyperthermia is to be eligible except the current President, the three most recent Past Presidents, and previous Robinson Awardees. The committee shall select recipients of other awards as requested by Governing Council. At the annual Council meeting held during the Annual meeting of STM, the Chairperson shall prepare a committee report stating specific actions taken and recommendations to the Council.
Committee Members:
2017 President - Robert Ivkov, CHAIR
2018 President - Michael Graner
2019 President - Jennifer Yu
2019 Robinson Winner - Rudi Wessalowski
2019 Hahn Winner - Chris Diederich
2018 Dewey Winner Betsy Repasky
Communications Committee - (ADHOC Committee)
Committee Size: At least 3
Committee Rotation: 1 Year Term
Committee Reporting: Reports to the President
Committee Membership: The President for the following year shall appoint a Chairperson and at least two additional Active and Emeritus members to the Communications Committee. Members shall be appointed for one year terms but may be reappointed for additional terms.
Committee Responsibilities: The duties of the Communications Committee shall be to produce and edit STM website content, to generate media releases, to help produce marketing/promotional materials for the society and to create a presence via social media outlets.
At the Annual meeting, the Chairperson shall prepare a committee report stating specific actions taken and recommendations to the Council.
Committee Members:
Betsy Repasky - CHAIR
Dieter Haemmerich
Punit Kaur
Nicole Levi-Polyachenko
Constitution & Bylaws Committee
Committee Size: At Least 3
Committee Rotation: 1 year term
Committee Reporting: Reports to the President
Committee Membership: Committee shall appoint Active or Emeritus members as necessary to include at least one person from each of the three disciplines (biological/chemical; physical/engineering; and clinical/medical sciences). Members shall be appointed for one-year terms, but may be reappointed for additional terms. The Chair and committee members are appointed by the President.
Committee Responsibilities: The duties of the Constitution and Bylaws committee shall be to formulate and/or review all proposed changes or additions to the Constitution and Bylaws. To periodically review the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society and to prepare such amendments as may be necessary to meet the needs of an evolving Society. Issues related to any consideration of changes requested by the Council, brought to the Council by the Membership, or initiated by the Committee. Any proposed amendments will be presented to Council for comments, and then distributed to the membership prior to the annual business meeting at which they will be discussed. At the Annual meeting held during the Annual Meeting of STM, the Chairperson shall prepare a committee report stating specific actions taken and recommendations to the Council.
Committee Members:
Dennis Leeper, CHAIR
Elizabeth Repasky
Rajiv Chopra
Jennifer Yu
Nicole Levi-Polyachenko
Mark Dewhirst
Chris Diederich
Peter Corry
Paul Stauffer
Mark Hurwitz
Bruce Kimler - Ex officio
Commercial Relations Committee
Committee Size: At least 3
Committee Rotation: 1 year
Committee Reporting: Reports to the President
Committee Membership: Committee shall appoint Active or Emeritus members as necessary to include at least one person from each of the three disciplines (biological/chemical; physical/engineering; and clinical/medical sciences). Members shall be appointed for one-year terms, but may be reappointed for additional terms. The Chair and committee members are appointed by the President.
Committee Responsibilities: To provide a means of coordinating the affairs and goals of the Society with the interests of corporations involved or interested with hyperthermia. The charge of this committee is to strive for better relationships with the commercial side of the Society. The first is to encourage commercial support of the Society through greater participation at exhibitors booths at the annual meetings and to garner support for certain Society functions such as student travel, social activities, and special projects. The second is to serve as a primary contact for STM as it addresses issues of particular interest to the industry. A two way interaction is necessary. At the annual Council meeting held during the Annual meeting of STM, the Chairperson shall prepare a committee report stating specific actions taken and recommendations to the Council.
Committee Members:
Dario Rodrigues, CHAIR
Jason Molitoris
Other members TBD
Finance Committee
Committee Size: 6
Committee Rotation: Six years
Committee Reporting: Reports to President and Secretary/Treasurer
Committee Membership: The Committee is to consist of six Active or Emeritus members (two from each of the three disciplines) with each serving six year terms with one member being replaced each year. The Secretary-Treasurer, Secretary-Treasurer Elect (every other year). The President shall appoint a Chairperson. Members shall be appointed for (1) six year term. A member shall be eligible for reappointment after an absence of two or more years.
Committee Responsibilities: To oversee and account for the budget and funds of the Society; to ensure the goals of the Society are met in a fiscally sound manner. The duties of the Finance Committee shall be to make recommendations to the Governing Council concerning investment of financial reserves of the Society so as to obtain the maximum secure return and to develop an annual budget for presentation to the Governing Council.
Committee Members:
Mark Hurwitz, CHAIR
Chang Song
Paul Stauffer
Zeljko Vujaskovic
Chris Diederich
Dieter Haemmerich
Robert Ivkov
Rohan Fernandes
Rob Griffin
Dieter Manstein
Rajiv Chopra
Punit Prakash
History Committee
Committee Size: At least 3
Committee Rotation: 1 Year
Committee Reporting: Reports to the President
Committee Membership: The committee shall include at least one person from each of the three disciplines. Members shall be appointed for one-year terms, but may be reappointed for additional terms. The President will appoint the Chair and members of the committee.
Committee Responsibilities: To develop and maintain archives of the Society. Specific tasks include (1) organizing and collating the initial documents and items or potential historical interest can be routinely acquired and archived. These two tasks collating/organizing and advancing the procedures as the Society ages and grows will remain as continuing tasks of the committee. At the annual meeting, the Chairperson should have a ready a committee report stating its purpose, goals, specific actions and recommendations.
Committee Members:
Dennis Leeper, CHAIR
John Subjeck
Joan Bull
Peter Corry
Rolf Issels
Leonard Prosnitz
Joseph Roti Roti
Donald Thrall
Ronald Coss
Andrew Milligan
Bob Myerson
Chang Song
Milt Yatvin
Membership Committee
Committee Size: At least 3
Committee Rotation: 1 Year term
Committee Reporting: Reports to the President and/or Executive Council
Committee Membership: The President for the following year shall appoint a Chairperson and at least two additional Active or Emeritus members to the Membership Committee. Members shall be appointed for one year terms but may be reappointed for additional terms. The committee must consist of a member from each discipline (biological/chemical; physical/engineering; and clinical/medical sciences). A member shall be eligible for reappointment to the committee after an absence of two or more years.
Committee Responsibilities: The duties of the Membership Committee shall be to pass judgment on the qualifications of applicants for membership into the Society. To encourage growth in membership in the Society, to review issues related to membership. In particular, persons in membership categories such as Student or Associate should be reviewed periodically to determine if their category should be upgraded to Active. Cases on inactivity, usually determined by failure to pay dues, should be reviewed and presented to Council for appropriate actions. Methods of increasing the membership to improve the effectiveness of the Society as it relates to our discipline should be considered. At the Annual Council meeting held during the Annual meeting, the Chairperson shall prepare a committee report stating specific actions taken and recommendations to the Council
Committee Members:
David Fuentes, CHAIR
Arlene Oei
Christopher Dillon
Anilchandra Attaluri
Colleen Crouch
Paola Tello Valverde
Sergio Curto Ramos
Nominations Committee
Committee Size: At least 3
Committee Rotation: 3 Year Term
Committee Reporting: Reports to the President
Committee Membership: The Nominations Committee shall be composed of the three most recent Past-Presidents and shall be Chaired by the most recent Past President. All members are appointed by position. To provide nominees for the elective offices of STM and to suggest names to the President for appointive offices and committees
Committee Responsibilities: The duties of the Nominations Committee shall be to receive nominations and formulate the ballot for the election to be held prior to the Annual meeting. It is important to identify persons who are contributing significantly to hyperthermia research but who may not have had a chance to become involved with Society affairs. A special charge to the committee is to specifically address and seek women and minority nominees. While the Society does not want to discourage active and effective workers, it is important to bring in new individuals and groups in order to avoid becoming a clique and to prevent individuals from being over burdened with volunteer tasks. At the annual Council meeting, the Chairperson shall prepare a committee report stating specific actions taken and recommendations to the Council
Committee Members:
Michael Graner, CHAIR
Robert Ivkov
Jason Stafford
Professional Affairs Committee - DISBANDED 4/17/2012 per Governing Council vote.
Committee Size: At least 3
Committee Rotation: 1 Year Term
Committee Reporting: Reports to the President
Committee Membership: The President for the following year shall appoint a Chairperson and at least two additional Active and Emeritus members to the Professional Affairs Committee as required. Members shall be appointed for one year terms but may be reappointed for additional terms. The committee will consist of at least one individual from each of the three disciplines (biological/chemical; physical/engineering; and clinical/medical sciences).
Committee Responsibilities: The duties of the Professional Affairs Committee shall be to address questions and develop standards pertaining to the clinical use of hyperthermia. To address those issues which relate to the performance of hyperthermic research and practice, such as providing recommendations on quality assurance certification of practitioners, reimbursements, and sources of funding.
Areas of interest for the committee relate to reimbursement, maintaining quality control on hyperthermia trails, professional certification and consideration of representation on boards influential in funding matters. Subcommittees may be formed to address these issues also.
At the Annual meeting, the Chairperson shall prepare a committee report stating specific actions taken and recommendations to the Council.
Program Committee
Committee Size: At least 3
Committee Rotation: 1 Year Term
Committee Reporting: Reports to the President and President Elect
Committee Membership: The Committee shall include at least one person from each of three disciplines. Members shall be appointed for one-year terms, but may be reappointed for additional terms. A member shall be eligible for reappointment after an absence of two or more years. The Chairperson of the Committee shall be the President Elect/Vice President who shall appoint the members of the Committee. The Vice President and Past President will also serve as a member of the Committee.
Committee Responsibilities: The duties of the Program Committee shall be to formulate the program for the scientific portions of the Annual Meeting as well as manage other details of the Meeting. To review submitted abstracts for inclusion in the program; to develop scientific themes to be addressed at the meeting; to develop a program of invited speakers; to coordinate activities with the Local Arrangements Committee (if needed) so as to ensure an efficient and educational meeting. At the annual Council meeting held during the Annual meeting of STM, the Chairperson shall prepare a committee report stating specific actions taken and recommendations to the Council.
2020 Committee Members:
Rohan Fernandes, CHAIR
Nicole Levi-Polyachenko
Jennifer Yu
Michael Graner
Robert Ivkov
Steve Fiering
Randy Burd
Zeljko Vujaskovic
Paul Stauffer
Erik N.K. Cressman
R. Jason Stafford
Robert J. Griffin
Dieter Haemmerich
Chris Diederich
Rajiv Chopra
Mark Hurwitz
Elizabeth Repsaky
Samir Jenkins
Alireza Mohammadi
Mark Dewhirst
Dario Rodrigues
Elizabeth Sweeney
Hattie Ring
Rolf Issels
Joan Bull
Eleni Liapi
John Bischof
David Fuentes