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History of STM Officers and Councilors



  • Bylaws of the Society for Thermal Medicine

    ARTICLE I - Duties of the Governing Council and Management of the Society

    1. The affairs of the Society shall be managed by its members through their Governing Council, which shall consist of the President, the Immediate Past-President, President-Elect/Vice President, Vice President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, Secretary-Treasurer-Elect, Editor in Chief of the Society publication (International Journal of Hyperthermia) and nine Councilors. The President shall act as Executive Officer of the Governing Council. No individual may simultaneously serve in two capacities on the Governing Council.

    2. The duties of President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect/Vice President, Vice President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer shall be those customarily performed by such officers unless otherwise decided by the Governing Council.

    3. The President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect/Vice President and Vice President-Elect shall serve a term of one year, which shall begin, at the end of the annual Business Meeting. The President-Elect shall assume the position of Presidency at the end of his/her term as President-Elect. The Presidency and the proceeding offices will be filled in rotation by members of the three discipline areas in the following sequence: biological and chemical sciences, medical and clinical sciences and physical and engineering sciences. A member is considered from the discipline noted in their initial membership application or as amended in subsequent application to the Membership Committee.

    4. The Secretary-Treasurer-Elect shall serve a term of one year, followed by a term of two years as Secretary-Treasurer. These terms shall begin at the end of the annual Business Meeting.

    5. There shall be nine Councilors, three from each of the following three disciplines: biological and chemical sciences, medical and clinical sciences and physical and engineering sciences. Each Councilor shall serve a term of three years, which shall begin at the end of the annual Business Meeting. Each year, one Councilor from each of the three disciplines will be elected. The duties of the Councilors shall be to participate in the Governing Council.

    6 The Editor in Chief of the Society publication (International Journal of Hyperthermia) will provide to the Governing Council liaison to all journal activities and publication activities in the field.

    7. No Officer or Councilor shall be eligible for election to the same office for two consecutive terms.

    8. The Governing Council may contract for a Society manager with appropriate compensation to manage certain business affairs of the Society.

    ARTICLE II - Membership

    1. Application for membership shall be made on a form authorized by the Membership Committee, signed by the prospective member and listing as reference one Active or Emeritus Member.

    2. Applications shall be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer or to the Chairperson of the Membership Committee, who shall forward copies of applications to Committee members as required, but at least once every three months. The Committee shall act on applications at the time of receipt and return responses to the Chairperson. An affirmative vote by two-thirds of the members of the Membership Committee is necessary for approval of membership. The Chairperson shall report the acceptance or rejection of each application and the category of membership to the Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall inform the applicant of the decision of the Membership Committee. A person shall become a member upon receipt of an affirmative notification. New members shall be announced at the next annual business meeting.

    ARTICLE III - Dues and Fiscal Year

    1. The amount of annual dues shall be proposed by the Governing Council and if approved by the Active Membership at the Annual Meeting, shall go into effect for the next fiscal year.

    2. Any person who becomes a member prior to 1 October shall pay dues for that year.

    3. A person who becomes a member after 1 October shall not pay dues until the next fiscal year.

    4. The fiscal year of the Society shall be the calendar year.

    5. Dues shall be payable in advance by 1 January of each year.

    6. Any member in arrears for two consecutive calendar years shall have his membership revoked by the Governing Council. Three month’s notice shall be given before termination. A member who is not current with dues obligations may not nominate, vote, serve on a committee, sponsor an abstract, subscribe at member rates or register for the annual meeting at member rates. 

    7. Delinquent members may be reinstated by the Governing Council provided all indebtedness to the Society is liquidated.

    ARTICLE IV - Meetings of the Membership

    1. The Governing Council shall determine the time, place and frequency of the regular meetings of the Society to be held each year.

    2. One of these meetings shall be designated the Annual Meeting and shall include a general Business Meeting of the membership at which there shall be reports of the officers, announcements of the results of elections and discussion of other items of business.

    3. The time and place of the next Annual Meeting shall be announced to all members at the Annual Meeting.

    4. Special meetings may be called by the President with the approval of the Governing Council.

    5. 25% of current Active plus Emeritus Members shall constitute a quorum for all Business Meetings.

    ARTICLE V - Meetings of the Governing Council

    1. There shall be at least two meetings of the Governing Council each year. One meeting shall be held at the Annual Meeting prior to the general Business Meeting and one meeting shall be held after the Business Meeting and installation of the new Council. This second meeting may be held via conference call and if necessary decisions confirmed by email.

    2. Special meetings of the Governing Council may be called as deemed necessary by the President with the approval of the Governing Council. This meeting can also be held via conference call and if necessary decisions confirmed by email.

    3. A request to the President made in writing by six members of the Governing Council shall render the convocation of the Governing Council necessary.

    4. For meetings of the Governing Council, a quorum shall consist of nine persons.

    ARTICLE VI - Order of Business and Parliamentary Procedure

    The order of business for executive sessions and general business meetings shall be according to the latest edition of "Robert's Rules of Order, Revised", except and unless otherwise ordered by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society.

    ARTICLE VII - Amendments

    A proposal to amend the Bylaws must be submitted in writing by at least five Active or Emeritus Members to the Secretary-Treasurer who will distribute it to the Governing Council at least two months before the Annual Meeting. The proposal will be reviewed for compliance and consistency with the Constitution and Bylaws and may be sent to a Constitution and By-Laws Committee for further review at the discretion of the Governing Council. The Secretary-Treasurer shall send a copy of the proposed Amendment to all Members at least one month before the Annual Meeting. It shall be discussed and voted on during the general Business Meeting and an affirmative vote of two-thirds of those Active and Emeritus Members voting shall be necessary for its passage. Approved amendments take effect immediately.

    Approved 12 April 1986, Amended 17 April 1988, Amended 8 April 1990, Amended June 1992, Amended 29 April 1994, Amended April 1998, Amended May 2018.


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Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm Central Standard Time (USA)