2017 Meeting Information

2017 Meeting Homepage

Final Schedule
 (updated 3/9/17)

On-site Activities

Online Registration Portal (Closed)

Hotel Reservations (Closed)

Plenary & Keynote Speakers

2017 New Investigator Travel Award Winners

Exhibitor and Sponsor Prospectus

Abstract Submission System - CLOSED

2017 Corporate Partners

Gold Level

Silver Level

Bronze Level

Friends Level

Other Contributors

34th Annual Society for Thermal Medicine Meeting


We have received a generous donation from the Jayne Koskinas Ted Giovanis Foundation for Health and Policy (JKTG) to sponsor New Investigator Travel Awards (15), our Keynote and Plenary speakers, our Refresher Workshop, and our non-member invited speakers. 

We wish to thank the JKTG for their generous support of our meeting!
a Maryland private foundation dedicated to effecting change in health care for the public good. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the JAYNE KOSKINAS TED GIOVANIS FOUNDATION FOR HEALTH AND POLICY, its directors, officers, or staff.

Dear Friends and Supporters of STM,   

On behalf of my fellow members of STM Governing Council and meeting Planning Committee, it is my distinct pleasure to invite you to join us for our 34th Annual Meeting in Cancún, Mexico at the CasaMagna Marriott Cancún Resort, April 29 – May 2, 2017. The conference is shaping up to feature an outstanding line-up of the world’s thought leaders and prominent researchers presenting cutting-edge developments in biology, physics, engineering, and clinical applications of thermal medicine.

Several meeting sessions will be disease specific to attract participation by clinicians from around the world.  These sessions will highlight the latest results of Phase III clinical trials combining hyperthermia with radiation or chemotherapy to treat breast, cervical, liver, brain, and pediatric cancers. Immunotherapy, one of the most exciting developments in clinical management of cancer, will be featured in special symposia with presentations by leading clinicians and researchers. Other sessions will be technology oriented, to focus on existing and emerging technologies in thermal medicine.  Focused ultrasound, laser, and microwave device innovations to deliver heat energy for disease management will be featured. One of our most exciting and rapidly growing technology-focus areas is nanotechnology. We have sessions highlighting the latest developments in nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology applied to imaging and therapy of cancer with thermal medicine.  Nanothermometry, another cutting-edge innovative technology area will have its own special symposium. We view “thermal medicine” as a continuum encompassing many fields of science and technology from cryotherapy, hyperthermia, and thermal ablation, which includes heat directed drug delivery and immunotherapy.  The program will reflect this perspective.

Another objective of the 34th Annual Meeting is to highlight the growing global penetration of scientific and clinical applications of thermal medicine. The location and key invited speakers for the 34th Annual Meeting were carefully chosen to emphasize scientific exchange among the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Our roster of invited speakers includes prominent clinicians and leading experts in biology, medicine, engineering, and nanotechnology from countries in Europe, Asia, South and North America. 

We look forward to seeing you in Cancún!

Robert Ivkov, PhD                                                                                      
Program Chair, President-Elect, Society for Thermal Medicine 

2017 Program Chair

Robert Ivkov, PhD
2017 Program Chair,
Society for Thermal Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Department of Radiation Oncology
Associate Editor, International Journal of Hyperthermia

Robert Ivkov, PhD                       
Program Chair, President-Elect, Society for Thermal Medicine  
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine                                    
Department of Radiation Oncology
Associate Editor, International Journal of Hyperthermia

Robert Ivkov, PhD
2017 Program Chair,
Society for Thermal Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Department of Radiation Oncology
Associate Editor, International Journal of Hyperthermia

Planning Committee

Program Chair: Robert Ivkov, PhD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Department of Radiation Oncology

Corporate Relations & Fundraising Chair: Zeljko Vujaskovic, MD, PhD, University of Maryland

Andris Bakuzis, PhD, Institute of Physics, Federal University of Goias, Brazil

Randy Burd, PhD, The University of Arizona Cancer Center

Erik Cressman, MD, PhD, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Chris Diederich, PhD, University of California San Francisco

Steven Fiering, PhD, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College

Robert Griffin, PhD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Dieter Haemmerich, PhD, Medical University of South Carolina

Mark Hurwitz, MD, Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals

William Nau, PhD, Medtronic Minimally Invasive Therapies Group

Jason Stafford, MD, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Paul Stauffer, PhD, Thomas Jefferson University

Christopher Lapine, STM Business Manager, Allen Press, Inc.

Joshua Hilbrand, Meeting Planner, K-State Conference Services

© 2024 Society for Thermal Medicine   
Contact Us: stm.ks@kwglobal.com
Tel: 1-785-289-2056
Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm Central Standard Time (USA)