STM Virtual Mini-Symposium - Externalized Stress Balls: Exosomes,Stress, and the Extracellular Space. August 31, 2020 at 1PM EDT. Speakers: Michael Graner, PhD and Antonio De Maio, PhD. More information HERE.
STM Young Investigator Symposium: This year’s Young Investigator Symposium will be held virtually on November 10 from 12 P.M – 2 P.M. EST. The symposium will be in the form of 5-10 minute powerpoint presentations that are broadcast through whichever platform is being used at that time. More precise details will follow. Please follow the "Abstract Submissions Form" link below to submit your abstract (200 words or less) via GoogleForms. Abstracts must be submitted by 11:59 PM on October 1, 2020. Abstract Submissions Form - Open to all trainees/staff (EXCLUDING PIs) PLEASE NOTE: All scientific findings and data entered in this form are treated as confidential. Please direct any questions to Samir Jenkins (
STM Virtual Event - The Specific Aims page will make or break your grant: Tips and practical exercise on how to be successful - July 29, 2020 from 12-3pm, EST. More info HERE.
See our new Member's Only jobs page HERE! You will be prompted to login as a member to view the page. Are you looking for a job or have an opening to post? Please email to have info added to the jobs page.
Read the July 2020 STM Newsletter - Heating Things Up…While Keeping Our Cool!
Read the June 2020 STM Newsletter - Heating Things Up…While Keeping Our Cool!
Now is a great time to consider submitting a paper to The International Journal of Hyperthermia as all active STM members a 30% discount on article publishing charges. Consider joining STM or renewing your membership today!
Member spotlight:
The STM Member co-authored open access article, Design and construction of a Maxwell-type induction coil for magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia, published in the International Journal of Hyperthermia, Volume 37 Issue 1, is now available to access via
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