Society News


ICHO 2025
September 10-13, 2025
Seoul, South Korea

George Hahn OBITUARY

George was born in Vienna, Austria in 1926. As a young Jewish adolescent, George experienced the nazification of Austria. In 1938 he was sent via Kindertransport to an orphanage in the Netherlands. In 1939, his family were fortunate to receive visas to emigrate to the United States. George, his parents and his sister settled in Sacramento where he met his future wife, Joyce Webb.In 1944, George was “voluntarily drafted” into the US Army at age 18. As a native German speaker, he was assigned to the US Counter-Intelligence Corps. After leaving the service in 1947, he enrolled in UC Berkeley, where he received a Masters degree in physics. George and Joyce married in 1948 and had four children Peter, David, Nina and Jack. When George graduated from UC Berkeley, the family moved to the Carmel Highlands and George became a faculty member at the Naval Postgraduate Academy. In 1962, George and Joyce’s son David died of lymphoma. George then enrolled in Stanford University and received a Ph.D. in biophysics, focusing on cancer treatment. He was appointed to the faculty of the Stanford School of Medicine in 1966. George was a founding member of the Hyperthermia Society and was President of the Radiation Research Society 1998-1999. During his career, he published over 200 research papers, served on numerous NIH research panels and received many national and international honors. He retired from Stanford in 1992. In parallel to his scientific work, George and Joyce became deeply interested in Mayan archeology and they traveled frequently to Mexico and Guatemala. George and Joyce built a house near Lake Atitlan in Guatemala where they spent several months each year for more than 30 years. After George and Joyce retired they moved back to the Carmel Highlands and began second careers as authors. George published five books, including his autobiography, The Lottery, and a fictionalized biography of Alan Turing. George’s beloved wife Joyce died in 2016. George is survived by his children, Peter, Nina and Jack; their partners, Susan Hahn, Pierre Lessard and Judy Greengard; four grandsons and seven great-grandchildren, and his dear dog, a Border Collie named Jessie. George was greatly loved and will be greatly missed. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to Guatemala Friends Scholarship Program (

A named lecture and annual award was formed by STM in his name to honor scientists who have contributed to improving clinical applications of thermal therapies. His contributions to STM were great and he will be missed by all.

36th Annual Meeting of the 
European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology
November 6-8, 2024
Malaga, Spain

36th Annual Meeting of the
European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology

November 6-8, 2024
Malaga, Spain
EHSO 2024 Program PDF HERE

XI. Hyperthermia Congress
A Cooperation for Interdisciplinary Cancer Therapy
In-person Congress of the German Society for Hyperthermia (DGHT) e.V.

04.10. – 05.10.2024
Düsseldorf, Pradus Medical Center
PDF Program HERE

See our Member's Only jobs page HEREYou will be prompted to login as a member to view the page. Are you looking for a job or have an opening to post? Please email to have info added to the jobs page. 

Now is a great time to consider submitting a paper to 
The International Journal of Hyperthermia as all active STM members a 30% discount on article publishing charges. Consider joining STM or renewing your membership today!

Official Journal of STM

Visit our open access online journal HERE.

The International Journal of Hyperthermia
2021 Impact Factor: 3.914
Frequency: 8 issues per year

About STM

Our Mission Statement

The Society for Thermal Medicine is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization whose mission is to significantly improve patient treatment outcomes by advancing the science, development and application of Thermal Therapy.

Our Society strives to:

  • 1) To encourage the advancement of thermal medicine in all areas of natural and medical sciences.

  • 2) To facilitate cooperative research among the disciplines of physics, engineering, biology, chemistry, and medicine in the study of the properties and effects of thermal medicine.

  • 3) To promote dissemination of knowledge in these and related fields through publications, meetings and educational symposia.

Get to Know Us

Founded in 1986, STM is a premier, international scientific forum for fostering interaction and innovation in the study of biological, physical and medical applications of thermal therapy for cancer and other diseases and for facilitating a greater basic understanding of the role of temperature in cellular and molecular function. A key goal of the Society is to facilitate rapid dissemination of exciting scientific breakthroughs in thermal medicine in order to expedite the translation of both basic and applied research to the clinic for the immediate benefit of patients.

The Society meets annually in the United States, (and with other international societies every 4th year) for members to exchange new research information in the areas of thermal physics/engineering, and biology and medicine, with sub-specialty interests including thermal physiology , immunology, regulation of gene/protein expression, nanoparticles and drug delivery, inflammation and metabolism, hypoxia, vascular function and the tumor microenvironment, radiation and chemotherapy sensitization by heat, thermal ablation, chemistry, and new industry development . A major emphasis at the annual meetings is placed on presentations of new translational and clinical data in thermal therapy. There are many opportunities for new investigators to present their data, and graduate students, laboratory and clinical fellows, and allied health professionals are particularly welcome at our meetings; several career development and mentor-ship opportunities are available.

Among other activities, the Society sponsors CME accredited educational events, its own outstanding journal: The International Journal of Hyperthermia, a website for scientific and informational exchange, and yearly travel awards and speaking opportunities for new investigators.

What is Thermal Medicine?

Thermal Medicine, or the manipulation of body or tissue temperature for the treatment of disease, can be traced back to the earliest practice of medicine. Cultures from around the world can point to ancient uses of hot and cold therapy for specific medical applications, including cancer. Modern research in thermal medicine aims to understand molecular, cellular and physiological effects of temperature manipulation and the “stress” response, as well as to develop effective and safe equipment for clinical application and temperature monitoring. As a result, today there are a growing number of clinical applications of thermal therapy that benefit patients with a variety of diseases. More ... 

2024 STM Awards

The Society for Thermal Medicine is pleased to announce the winners of the prestigious 2024 STM Awards.

J. Eugene Robinson Award


Dr. Robert Griffin, PhD
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

William C. Dewey Award

Dr. Chris Diederich, PhD

Chris Diederich, PhD
University of California San Francisco

2024 Scholar-in-Training Awards

Prazwal Athukuri, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas – Tumor Burden Reduction and Immune Microenvironment Modulation in a Preclinical Murine Glioblastoma Model through Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy

Mohammed Azab, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA - Evaluation of the efficacy of laser interstitial thermal therapy for biopsy-proven radiation necrosis over a one-year follow-up

Sri Chandrasekar, University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, Texas, USA - Boiling Histotripsy-Induced Local Tumor Immunomodulation Impacts the Gut Microbiome at a Distant Site

Folefac Charlemagne, Experimental Clinical Oncology-Dept. Oncology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark - Exploring the Ideal Synergy of Fractionated Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) and Hyperthermia in Tumors Bearing Mice

Ethan Griswold, University of Utah, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA - Feasibility of Targeting the Dorsal Root Ganglia with Focused Ultrasound for Treatment of Low Back Pain

Grace Olsson, George Washington University, Washington, District of Columbia, USA. - Ultrasound guided interstitial photothermal therapy for treating neuroblastoma

Pratikshkumar Patel, Medical Univ. of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, USA - Reducing chemotherapeutic toxicity by thermosensitive liposomal drug delivery combined with extracorporeal blood filtration

Varun Sadaphal, Solenic Medical, Addison, Texas, USA - Design and characterization of a clinical AMF system for uniform heating of prosthetic knee implants

Mark Solter, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA - Impact of tumor volume and radiation dose on tumor control rates in recurrent breast cancer patients treated with hyperthermia and radiation

Christian Valencia Narva, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA - Comparing Temperature-Dependent and Constant Thermophysical Properties in Focused Ultrasound Simulations

© 2025 Society for Thermal Medicine   
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Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30am-4:30pm Central Standard Time (USA)